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Blooming since 1993

In 1993, Bill and Jetty Kamps started a modest greenhouse business growing cucumbers and various other small crops. This small family business quickly evolved into Kamps Hydrangea Inc, a modern operation growing the highest quality hydrangeas. In 2019 the business was taken over Tim, Marcel and Paul, Bill and Jetty’s three sons.

We grow and sell hydrangeas through all their various stages from dormant to blooming. However, our specialty is dormant hydrangeas. Over the past 25 years our dormant production has grown in order to keep up with the increasing demand for our superior product.

Paul Kamps

Director of Sales and Business Development

Tim Kamps

Director of Growing and Production

Marcel Kamps

Technician and Operations Management

Ideally located in Niagara

One key factor in the production of our superior quality hydrangeas is our location. We are situated in the centre of the Niagara Region, an area renowned for its wine and grape production. The same climate that is ideal for producing award-winning grapes is also the perfect climate for producing excellent hydrangeas. The Great Lakes that surround the region serve to moderate the temperature and provide a mild summer and a greatly lengthened fall. This uniquely lengthened growing season allows our hydrangeas to fully mature before they are brought in the cooler. Our unique climate and the extra weeks spent outside in the field allow the plants to set a proper bud before dormancy and flower with a very high consistency.

Our Facilities

Because we grow only hydrangeas our facilities have been designed and built with that in mind. Being a monocropper means that instead of our facilities being shared between multiple crops with different requirements we can focus all of our efforts on growing a quality hydrangea.

Our hydrangeas are planted and grown on modern fields that have been laser graded to ensure accurate drainage and consistent growth. The fields are underlain with plastic to catch and recycle all the irrigation and rainwater.

Our quality speaks for itself

The superior quality of our product is a direct result of the constant care and attention given to each plant. Our choice to exclusively produce hydrangeas allows us to dedicate the proper time and focus to the specific requirements of this demanding plant. Our hydrangeas are grown with a high degree of quality control to ensure a consistent plants that meets our standards. This means doing things like walking through the entire 15 acre field every day to keep an eye on how each plant is growing and making adjustments accordingly.

Customer satisfaction is our priority

The satisfaction of our customers is very important to us and we are always willing to adjust varieties, container sizes and bloom-counts to our customer’s specifications. We often run trials of the newest varieties and continuously upgrade our equipment and practices to be more efficient and environmentally friendly. We take pride in the superior quality and competitive prices we offer our customers and we encourage you to call with any questions or for a full tour of our facilities to see it all for yourself.